Wecome to my profile page - it's an ongoing work in progress... I will be adding contents regularly. My goal is to make it more illustrative, for now the lists below provide some clues what I've been busy with and what my areas of interests are. Hoping to expand the list with more ventures, challenges ... in current and new fields. I will be thrilled about suggestions... never knowing where it might take you next! [Please do email me!]
" Hi ! "
Dr. Alex Zipprich is internationally devoted to shaping futures by design as an academic and architect. His design-studios and research focus on urban futures defined humanistically yet innovative technologically and through creative processes. Prior to his current appointment at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Alex taught as Associate Professor at Shenzhen University & The University of Hong Kong, and as Adjunct Assistant Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Graduating from Harvard University, Alex subsequently pursued PhD research in Hong Kong and has been awarded the Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture in 2016.
As an architect and designer, Alex has worked on a variety of international projects in Hong Kong, San Francisco, Los Angeles, etc. ranging from museum and art galleries to urban design and master planning concepts. Alex is a registered Architect licensed in Europe/Germany and the United Kingdom. Throughout practice and academia, Dr. Alex Zipprich has been exploring emerging technologies and their possibilities towards critically shaping a future aspirational to diverse individuals as part of a connected world.
Until I get around to give this site its artistic make-up... for now, below is a CV-style summary... Found anything that stands out, is interesting, or have some suggestions to me(?)... please do email me!
academic appointments
Asst. Professor & Course Director for MSc Programme
The University of Nottingham Ningbo China 宁波诺丁汉大学
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Architecture and Built Environment (since 09.2021)
Associate Professor / 副教授
Shenzhen University (SZU), China, School of Architecture & Urban Planning
深圳大学,建筑与城市规划学院 (09.2014 - 08.2021)
Urban Planning and Design (Studio) |
Introduction to Masterplanning and Site-Design |
Master of Urban Planning Design Studio |
专业外语 (城市规划/建筑)– Topical Investigations in Architecture and Urban Planning Bachelor Program – 3rd Year Students |
Graduation Thesis Design Studio (Year V) |
专业外语 – Topical Investigations in Architecture and |
Architecture Design Studio |
UOOC Online Course Companion在线课程: 城市规划与设计(深圳大学三年本科生), 创建者Created by Prof. Alex Zipprich |
Associate Professor (P/T)
The University of Hong Kong (HKU), Department of Architecture, Hong Kong (09.2017 - 01.2018)
ARCH3071 Architectural Design Studio |
Adjunct Associate Professor (P/T)
Chu Hai College of Higher Education (CHC), Hong Kong SAR China, Department of Architecture (11.2013 - 07.2020)
ADT2 Architectural Design & Theory |
Adjunct Assistant Professor
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), School of Architecture (2012/13)
ARCH4115 Architectural Design Studio |
professional organizations
Registered Architect, Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Registered Architect, Architects Registration Board, United Kingdom
professional architecture practice
Hong Kong S.A.R. China:
Rocco Design Architects, Architect, Hong Kong
RMJM, Design Architect, Hong Kong
ARCPRAXIS / Zipprich Architekten, Director / Architect / Consultant California, U.S.A. & Germany
Prof. Paul Lukez (MIT) Architecture, Somerville, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Shah Kawasaki Architects, Oakland, California
STUDIOS Architecture, Beverly Hills, California
Shubin + Donaldson Architects, Los Angeles, California
RSK Associates | Suarez Kuehne Architecture, San Francisco, California
RMW Architecture + Design, San Francisco, California
Europe / Germany:
plus+ bauplanung, Office of Professor Peter Hübner, Stuttgart, Germany
Zipprich Architekten, Architect, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
academic degrees
Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture (PhD in Architecture)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Architecture
MDes – Harvard University (Master in Design Studies) Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.A.
Munich University of Applied Sciences - Architektur, München, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Europa
Abitur – Allgemeine Hochschulreife (University Entrance Qualification) Baden-Württemberg, Germany
scholarships, distinctions & academic affiliations
Mok Hing Cheong Postgraduate Scholarship, CUHK
Postgraduate Studentship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Distinctions, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Prof. Peter Rowe, Modern Architecture and Urbanism in China (GSD 4344), etc. (2005 / 2006)
The Harvard Club of Hong Kong, Member
research projects 研究项目
05.2018 - 07.2020 |
„Design Studio as Creative Platform / 作为创新平台的设计室” , Shenzhen University Teaching Reform Project / 深圳大学教学改革研究项目 (二零一八年度)。主要作者/Main Author。 项目已完成; 两阶段专家和学者评审后授予的研究补助金Project completed; research grant awarded following 2-stage experts’ & academics’ review。 |
09.2019 - 10.2020 |
“编码智能设计 : 环境参数化设计方法 与 沉浸式设计分析 - Coding Smart Design : Environmental Parametric Approaches to Design & Immersive-Augmented Design Analysis.” 深圳大学开放实验项目. Advisor to Students‘ Research 深圳大学开放实验项目 |
since 2008 |
Campus Typologies emerging with Urbanization - 城镇化中的校园类型. Ongoing research contributions to the field via self-conceived & -authored topics while aspiring joint-collaborations |
international exhibitions 国际展览
19.12.2019 - |
“Spectrums of Happiness – From Monotony of Public Housing towards a World of The Hong Kong Institute of Architects Biennale Foundation (The Hong Kong Institute of Architects, The Hong Kong Institute of Planners, Hong Kong Designers Association). External Link to Exhibit: http://uabbhk.org/en/exhibitor/school-of-architecture-urban-planning-shenzhen-university/ [Exhibition at the Main Venue: The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong. Approx. 200,000 visitors according to the organizer. Our team qualified through several stages of applications and peer review; in an internationally competitive process.] “幸福光谱 — 从单调的公共住房到包罗万象的世界”, 2019香港城市\建築雙年展 : 2城2-意像城創意.香港建築師學會雙年展基金會(香港建築師學會、香港規劃師學會、香港設計師協會). |
04-13.11.2020 |
“Visions for Tin Shui Wai”, M+ Matters: Archigram Cities – Call for Drawings Virtual Gallery |
12.2017-03.2018 |
“ECOmmunity“ & “NATURE&URBAN+:湖山之间的迷茫与憧憬”, 2017 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture, UABB & Shenzhen University Curatorial Team, “ECOmmunity” & “NATURE&URBAN+: 湖山之间的迷茫与憧憬.” 2017深港双城双年展展览, 港深双城双年展与深圳大学策展团队。展览在主会场:深圳Nantou Old Town |
14.05.2019- |
"Respect-致敬包豪斯一百周年 07”, 第七届建筑文化节, 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院 “Haus Bauhaus”, 7th Architecture Culture Festival, Shenzhen University School of Architecture & Urban Planning 城市规划与设计(深圳大学三年级本科生)我教过的学生项目Exhibited Projects by Students Taught: Dynamic Waterfront Space by 马志杰Ma Zhijie (SZU18/19); 开放·融合 Open-Mix by 曾庆翔 Zeng Qingxiang (SZU18/19);“解放”·庭院 Liberated Courtyards by 廖迪 Liaodi (SZU17/18) |
23.06.2018 - 08.07.2018 |
“A Campus for the Arts and Knowledge- 艺术与知识的校园”,教学作品展览作为ARCHIGRAM MEETS CENTRAL的一部分. 公众展览及讨论,在香港PMQ中心举行。由香港大学建筑系策展 “A Campus for the Arts and Knowledge”, Program and Studio works exhibited as part of ARCHIGRAM MEETS CENTRAL, Marketplace PMQ Central Hong Kong, Public Exhibition and Discussions, Curated by Dept. of Architecture of the The University of Hong Kong External Link to HKU Website: https://www.arch.hku.hk/gallery/arch/a-campus-for-the-arts-and-knowledge/ |
06.2020 |
优秀本科教师奖, 深圳大学2018-2019学年本科教学 Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher Award, Shenzhen University 2018-2019 Academic Year 获奖者Awarded to : Alex Zipprich, 建筑与城市规划学院 |
09.2019 |
2019 谷雨杯全国大学生可持续建筑设计竞赛 - 共三个奖项 1. 网络人气二等奖 (Second Prize), 获奖作品:蔹蔓于城 (19407047); 深圳大学Team ZENDAS :陈*,马*锋,陈*鸿,林*方,指导老师:Dr. Alex Zipprich 2. 优秀奖作品 (Excellent Project Award), 获奖作品:蔹蔓于城 (19407047); 深圳大学Team ZENDAS : 陈*,马*锋,陈*鸿,林*方,指导老师:Dr. Alex Zipprich; & |
05.2019 |
学生项目奖 Student Project Award to 冯*柱, 铜牌/三等奖Bronze/3rd Prize 学生组铜奖 Creative Design Award by 深装总建设集团股份有限公司 |
13.01.2020 |
“绿色梧桐永续发展.”梧桐山村发展研讨及展览 , 湖山之间的迷茫与憧憬, 展示“ECOmmunity”项目 - 社区奖获得者 (深圳梧桐山村中心广场) “Sustainable Development of Eco-Wutong Village.” Symposium and Exhibition of the Sustainable Development of Wutong Village, SZU, Nature&Urban+, Exhibited ECOmmunity project - Winner of Community Award |
26.06.2017 |
Hong Kong Young Architects + Designers Competition 2017, Entry of Design Proposal for a Temporary Pavilion in West Kowloon Park, Team 5Dimensions – Competition Entry |
publications and reports 出版物与报告
06.2020 |
DESIGN STUDIO AS CREATIVE PLATFORM 作为创新平台的设计室. 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院, 二零二零年六月. Alex Zipprich PhD, 编辑和主要作者Editor & Main Author. (154p / 154页 ); |
04.2020 |
URBAN-LIVING NOW + FUTURE - TOPICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN ARCHITECTURE & URBAN PLANNING -专业外语 (规划) . Shenzhen University School of Architecture & Urban Planning 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院 04.2020. Alex Zipprich PhD, 编辑. |
07.2018 |
“ECOmmunity”设计项目. In NATURE & URBAN+ 基本生态控制线内城边村的生存与发展 - 深圳大学乡村规划实践之:从城边村出发, 深圳大学注筑与城市规划学院, 2017深港城市/建筑双城双年宸参荩记录, p22-23 & p80-100深圳大学18年7月 |
05.2020 |
深圳大学在香港的展览:幸福光谱 — 从单调的公共住房到包罗万象的世界 2019 BIENNALE OF ARCHITECTURE\URBANISM EXHIBITION IN HONG KONG:Spectrums of Happiness – From Monotony of Public Housing Towards a World of Possibilities. Shenzhen University School of Architecture & Urban Planning 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院 20年5月。Alex Zipprich PhD, 编辑 与 深圳大学三年级本科生。(29pages / 29页 ) |
“Introduction to Part II – Hong Kong.” In International Workshop: Public Space and Social Group 公共空间与社会群体by SZU School of Architecture and Urban Planning, HK PolyU School of Design, Parsons School of Design (New York), p. 39-40. Shenzhen University, 07.2018 |
12.2020 upcoming |
摘要标题Abstract titled “Citiesʼ Appeal to Creative Talent - Diversity as Social Capital in the case of Shenzhen.” 已接受Has been accepted for: The 14th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference, 组织单位Organized by: International Association for China Planning and Shenzhen University, China |
05.12.2017 |
“A Campus for the Arts and Knowledge” in RECLAIMING CENTRAL 2017, Dept. of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, 12.2017 |
06.06.2017 |
Teaching Outcomes & Personal Profile (Alex Zipprich, 副教授/Associate Professor) in 深圳大学城市规划系教学科研成果集, Department Booklet, Shenzhen University, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, 06.2017 |
30.08.2016 |
Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation. Housing the Majority – Baishizhou Urban Village. Publication of Workshop, Shenzhen China, 01.08.-30.08.2016 |
18.12.2009 |
"Macau's New Campus in Zhuhai, China", Zipprich, Alex, WORLD ARCHITECTURE (monthly), World Architecture Magazine Publications, vol.234, no.12, p.122., Beijing, 18.12.2009; |
2001 - 2002 |
Project Team Member of Published Work: LA Architect, p. 24, 07/08.2002; Los Angeles Times Magazine, p.40, 29.09.2002; FRAME, international magazine of interior architecture, Netherlands 09/10.2002, etc. |
international academic collaborations 国际学术合作
28.-30.01.2019 |
“DeCoding the City城市解码”香港中文大学与深圳大学联合举办的“新兴城市生态分析与测绘”研讨会,在深圳大学举行。主要发起人及主要导师: Prof. Dr. Alex Zipprich Prof. J. v. Ameijde “DeCoding the City” CUHK-SZU Workshop on the Analysis and Mapping of Emergent Urban Ecologies by Chinese Univ. of H.K. and Shenzhen University SAUP, Held at SZU. Main Initiators & Lead Instructors: Prof. Jeroen van Ameijde & Prof. Dr. Alex Zipprich |
04.01.2018 - 19.01.2018 |
”公共空间设计与社会群体行为” 国际工作坊, 深圳大学,香港PolyU (PolyU SD5705 Public Realms), Parsons School of Design, NY; 深圳大学主要作者:杨晓春,高文秀, Alex Zipprich; “Interaction between Public Space Design and Social Group Activities”, International Workshop by SZU, HK PolyU (PolyU SD5705 Public Realms), Parsons School of Design, NY. Held at SZU SAUP & PolyU School of Design |
21.03.2019 |
“亚洲城市化之鉴一以哈佛设计学院- AECOM城市设计研究计划为镜”, 哈佛大学设计学院- AECOM亚洲城市设计研究计划, 交流酒会 深圳留仙洞万科云设计公社 “Collaboration Without Boundaries: Urbanization Lessons from Harvard GSD- AECOM Asia Studios” Reception event by Harvard Graduate School of Design- AECOM Asia Studio; held at Vanke Design Community Liuxiandong-Plot; Initiated and Lead-Organized SZU Student-Participation (~12 学生SZU Students) |
18.11.2019 |
深圳大学与AECOM在深圳办公室进行学术交流 |
29.06.2020 & 22.07.2020 |
哈佛大学AECOM城市发展设计研究项目, Harvard GSD/AECOM Urban Development Design Research Program (GSD STU-1602 : NEURALISMS SHENZHEN), 小组会议和设计审查会议/ 参与者Participants : 哈佛大学 Harvard GSD: Prof. Mohsen Mostafavi, Prof. Witt; AECOM: Mr. Chiao, Mr. Lee, Ms. Lin; 深圳大学SZU: Prof. Alex Zipprich; Future Plus Mr. Huang, South China University of Technology (SCUT) Prof. Sun; et.al. 等。 |
19.10.2019 |
“A Greater Bay Area 2.0? - Speculations on Technologically Conditioned Future Urban Public Realms.” 宾夕法尼亚大学与AECOM研讨会Workshop by University of Pennsylvania, Stuart Weitzman School of Design & AECOM, 在 AECOM Hong Kong. 特邀评论家Invited Critic |
10.-17.7.2019 |
深圳大学暑期课程:为期10天的学习之旅,于7月11日至7月17日进行带队、带队学习之旅。在上海/苏州/杭州三个城市进行建筑项目和城市设计发展的实地考察,包括历史园林和遗址 |
01-30.08.2016 |
Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation |
05.03.2016 |
SZU Y5 & Hong Kong Y2 Architecture Students Joint Architectural Tour of SZU Campus and Baidu Headquarters in High-Tech Park, initiated and organized event, supported by SZ Design Center |
20/30.01.2016 |
Aformal Academy – The University of Melbourne & |
23.09.2015 |
Joint-Workshop, Urban Context and Spatial Analysis towards a Museum Project, Cornell University & SZU Year 4 Students, Invited Critic |
09.04.2015 |
Joint-Workshop Design Competition for Bauhaus Dessau, held at SZU Dept. of Arch. & Urb. Pl.. Participants: Erfurt Univ. Students (~17) Germany, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen University, The Polytechnic University of HK |
09.12.2014 |
Initiated & Organized Joint Studio Session and Workshop at SZU College of Architecture & Urban Planning, Participating Groups: Hong Kong Chu Hai College Architecture Students & SZU Architecture & Urban Planning Students |
16.06.2014 |
Initiated & Organized Field-Trip to HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity for Chu Hai College Architectural Design & Theory Year 2 Students |
01-02.2013 |
Initiated & Curated Exhibition of Abstract Chinese Paintings by Hong Kong Artist Forbes Chung at School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Jointly Prepared with the School of Architecture; Vernissage Event on 15.02.2013 |
12/2012 - 01/2013 |
Studio Works Exhibition – Exhibited Works by Students’ Taught as Adjunct Assistant Professor at School of Architecture, CUHK |
public lectures
Alternative Urban Paradigms 另类城市模本. Invited Presenter Ms. Wendy Wu 吴然, Director of UPRD, URBANUS; Held at Shenzhen University致理楼L1-202; Convened & moderated by Alex Zipprich PhD, SZU, 27.09.2010
Architecture & design of the Pearl River Delta : URBANUS works & research, Introduction to Ms. Wendy Wu, Director, URBANUS Program Research Design (UPRD), Held at SZU, 文科楼 H3-401, 14:30-16:00; Convened & moderated by Alex Zipprich PhD, SZU, 18.09.2019
“DeCoding the City”, Launch Event for CUHK-SZU Joint Academic Workshop, Held at Shenzhen Univ., SAUP from 28.-30.01.2019, Speakers: Prof. Alex Zipprich PhD & Prof. Jeroen van Ameijde, 28.01.2019
“The Development of the Urban Fringe Village within Ecological Control Boundaries Forum” UABB & SZU Nature&Urban+ Public Symposium, Speakers: Prof. Alex Zipprich PhD, Prof. Zhong Dekun, Prof. Yang Xiaochun, URBANUS Founder Liu Xiaodu et. al., A6 Biennale Hall – Dajiale Music Stage, Nantou, 13.01.2018; “湖山之间的迷茫与憧憬, 基本生态控制线内的城边村发展论坛” 深港城市 \ 建筑双城双年展 & 深圳大学, Speaker , 南头古城深圳双年展A6报告厅(大家乐舞台),18年 01月13日
A Campus for the Arts & Knowledge, Studio Program Introduction, Department-wide event, Presenter at The University of Hong Kong (KB419), Convener: Prof. Nasrine Seraji, Speakers: Alex Zipprich PhD & HKU faculty colleague, 04.09.2017
Steven Holl Architects – Works in China, Presenter: Mr. Roberto Bannura, Beijing Office Director; Public Lecture held at Shenzhen University 文科楼 Lecture Hall; Convened & moderated by Alex Zipprich PhD, SZU, 03.11.2016
Research and Practice on Campus Planning, Sery Lectures for Graduate Design, Presenter: Prof. Alex Zipprich; Public Lecture held at & convened by Shenzhen University School of Architecture & Urban Planning,
城市规划专业毕业设计学术系列讲座分平, 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院, 04.03.2016
Works & Research by SASAKI; Presenter: Mr. Michael Grove, Director SASAKI; Public lecture held at Shenzhen University, Convened & Moderated by Prof. Alex Zipprich, SZU, 16.12.2015
The Future City: City Visions & Eco Cities, Understanding Cities (ARCH1002), School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Guest Lecturer: Alex Zipprich, 27.03.2013
Projecting China and Beyond; Presenter: Mr. David Gianotten, Director OMA Hong Kong; Public Lecture held at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Architecture, Convened & moderated by Alex Zipprich, 08.11.2012
academic design community engagements 国际学术设计公共服务
29.10.2020 |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, B.-Arch. Year-4 Mid-Reviews: High Density Social Housing (Prof. v.Ameijde) & Senior Cohousing (Prof. Mo); Visiting-Critic |
21.08.2020 |
„方 案 评 审 会“ 深汕工业互联网制造业创新产业园建筑方案设计国际竞赛 - 设计评审员(共有5个设计方案进行评价和排名) „Scheme Review Meeting” International Competition of Architectural Scheme Design for Shenshan Industrial Internet Manufacturing Innovation Park – Design Juror (On a total of five design schemes) |
11.08.2020 |
“深圳市户外广告设施设置专项规划文本”,广告设施设置专项规划听证会工作, 深圳市城市管理和综合执法局 . 受邀对报告发表评论 |
2019中国城市更新高端学术研讨会Academic Conference on Urban Regeneration CHINA 2019, Held at Shenzhen University, 23-24. Nov. 2019 研究报告的讨论 / 答辩人Discussion of Research Presentations / Respondent |
09.11.2019 |
19th Cross-Strait Campus of University Conference, themed Regional Renewal and the University’s New Roles.
Contributed: “Campus Typologies emerging with Urbanization - The Architecture and Space of Hong Kong’s Universities and the City.” Held at Shenzhen University. Author |
18.01.2018 |
“湖山之间的迷茫与憧憬, 基本生态控制线内的城边村发展论坛” 深港城市 \ 建筑双城双年展 & 深圳大学, Speaker |
12.2020 |
摘要标题Abstract titled “Citiesʼ Appeal to Creative Talent - Diversity as Social Capital in the case of Shenzhen.” 已接受Has been accepted for: The 14th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference, 组织单位Organized by: International Association for China Planning and Shenzhen University, China |
29.12.2019 |
Detailed Plan of Central Garden. Introduction. Speaker: Dr. Alex Zipprich & 李*池; Shenzhen University Architectural Design and Research Institute.. Zhijiang Huaihua, Hunan, China; |
12.06.2020 |
深圳大学研究生设计课最终设计评审 SZU SAUP, Master of Urban Planning Y1 Final Review (Course by SZU Prof. Yang, et al.), Theme: Urban Rural Development Design Proposals with sites in Chengdu & Shenzhen, Invited Critic for the Final Review |
28.10.2019 |
CUHK M.Arch Y-1 香港中文大学研究生建筑设计评审 (Course by Prof. J.v.Ameijde) |
25.04.2019 & 04.03.2019 |
香港中文大学 CUHK M.Arch Year1 ‘The Generative City’, Mid-Review. Invited-Critic Mid- & Final-Review设计评论家 |
3.04.2018 |
Yichun City, Jiaozuo New District Conceptual Master Plan, Proposal Project |
05.12.2017 |
香港大学HKU, Dept. of Arch., MArch & BA (AS) Fall Reviews: Year 3 BA(AS), 设计评论家 |
25.09, 11.10.’17, 13.11., 05.12.’17 |
香港大学HKU, Dept. of Arch., Y3, Reclaiming Central: A Campus for the Arts and Knowledge (Central Harbourfront), Mid- & Final-Reviews 设计评论家 |
20.09.2017 |
Shaping Hong Kong's New Central Harbourfront. Hong Kong Urban Land Institute's Conference, Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Central Ferry Pier No.8. 受邀学术参与者 |
15.08. & 30.08.’16 |
Columbia University GSAPP, Housing Workshop, SZ, Mid & Finals Review, Invited Critic |
27.03.2015 |
Vision and Direction of a new Product Design Degree for Hong Kong and the Region. Presentation to the Faculty of Design of THEi at the HK Design Institute |
12.02.2015 |
CUHK, Master of Architecture, Shekou SZ Urban Design, Final Review, Invited Critic |
13.12.2014 |
CityU HK, BSAS Y4, Arch. Des. Finals Review, Vertical City, Prof. Kansara, et.al, Invited Critic |
19.06.2014 |
HK Design Institute, Architectural Design Graduation Review, Panel including Prof. Will (HKU), Prof. Leung, & others, Invited Critic |
04.12.2013 & 14.11.2013 |
HKU, ARCH2054, Y1 Studio, Transformation of a Chinese Village, Mid- & Final-Reviews, Panel including. Prof. Lin (Coordinator), Prof. Seraji, Prof. Cheung, Prof. Lovell, et. al., Invited Critic |
24.04.2013 |
CUHK, School of Architecture, Year 3 Arch. Design Studio (Finals U6), Camelot Research & Visitor Center, Panel including Professor Law (Instructor), Prof. Chen, Prof. Schnabel, et. al.; Invited Critic |
15-17.08.2013 |
The Universities as spatial nodes in an urban intelligence grid – architectural transformation of the city and the university towards greater interactivity and collaboration. Presented at the Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities: Asian Urbanism and Beyond in Hong Kong |
10-12.12.2012 |
“The University and Architecture: East Asian Architectural Progressions through Content and Form” presented at the International Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture (EAAC 2012) in Hong Kong |
07.12.2012 |
CUHK, School of Architecture, Master of Architecture Design Studio (Finals) on Campus Design, Panel including Prof. Hemel (Instructor), Prof. Al, Prof. Law, Prof. Schnabel, et.al.; Invited Critic |
05.12.2012 |
CUHK, School of Architecture, Year 3 Arch. Design Studio (Finals U5), Cheung Chau Community Center, Course by Prof. Alex Zipprich |
28.09.2011 |
CUHK, School of Architecture, Master of Architecture Design Studio (ARCH5120) Review, Panel including Prof. Yiu (Instructor), et.al.; Invited Critic |
16.07.2011 |
The University of Hong Kong (HKU), Faculty of Architecture, Interim Review Master of Urban Design Thesis Studio, Panel including Prof. Al, Prof. Chu, Prof. Wang, et.al; Invited Critic |
28-29.04.2011 |
“Campus Architecture – Built Culturally Hybrid Environments” presented at the CUHK Interdisciplinary Architectural Postgraduate Workshop |
20.04.2011 |
The University of Hong Kong (HKU), Faculty of Architecture, Master of Urban Design Program, Urban Design Studio II: Ecological Urbanism in Singapore, Finals Review, Panel including Prof. Al, Prof. Chu, Prof. Wang, et.al.; Invited Critic |
27.11.2010 |
The University of Hong Kong (HKU), Faculty of Architecture, Master of Urban Design Program, Finals Review, Panel including Prof. Al, Prof. Chu, Prof. Wang, et.al.; Invited Critic |
04.2010 |
“Windsurfing Hong Kong” – Virtual Presentation at the Sport & Society, International Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver |
02.11.2009 |
CUHK, School of Architecture, Mid-Term Review, Project titled “Cabinet of Curiosities”, Prof. Li, Panel including Prof. Ho, Prof. Tieben, et.al.; Invited Critic |
05.02.2009 |
CUHK, School of Architecture, Year 3 Student Works Review, Panel including Prof. Li, et.al., Invited Design Critic |
19.04.2008 |
CUHK, School of Architecture, Finals Review, Panel including Prof. Li, Prof Lim, Prof. Homsi, et. al., Invited Design Critic |
07.2006 |
Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Design Critic, Career Discovery Program |
Shenzhen Marina Club, 大梅沙国际水上运动中心, Member
Windsurfing Association of Hong Kong, HKG Sailor & ISAF Sailor (HKGAZ1)
Stanley Fleet of Hong Kong & Racing Team Member
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 24th & 25th Rowing Team - University Sports Team Athlete
Hong Kong China Rowing Association (HKCRA), Ranking HKCRA Division II Sculler